Old School Media King Richard Chimberg and Randy Whitestone Do NOT own their Dot Com.. WHY?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

What if you Represented a 160 Billion Dollar Company
with your Super Duper PR Abilities ?

Ok so say you are Doing PR for Billion Dollar Companies.. oh and not ONE Billion but say around 160 Billion - and Say you like to brag about your Business Experience, and what you can offer to These Billionaire Companies in the Way of PR and Media Relations. ... Ok Say that you have been in the Media Relations business for around hmmm.. gee .. I don't know 25 years.. and this new fang led thing jumped up called the Internet?

Would you Embrace this new medium or discount it as a Passing Fad. And if you were a pretty big deal in the PR business for Financial Companies and this new Modern Media starting emerging, what would be the first thing you would do? Would you buy a computer? Talk to the Grandkids or the Kids and see how this thing works? Would you tell your clients.. oh Yeah I get this new media.. got a handle on it.. HIRE Me to Represent you Billion Dollar Hedge fund, I got ya Covered... (Wink and Nod) and then what.. you go learn all you can and away you go to writing articles and linking those PDF documents that look so official.. your the Spokesman for A mult-Billion Dollar Company... surely you must have missed something in that last decade...

Hmmm.. gee I am a Big Deal, I know that, I have Billionaire Clients so I must know what I am doing in the Media Relations Business.. hmm.. geeeeee I just know I am forgetting Something.. now what is it.. Oh Yeah to Buy RandallStone.com for $10 to build my Online Brand and let my Billionaire Clients know that I really do know what I am a doin' on this here computer stuff. Oh no .. it is to late now because the PR guy I hired for my Company.. tried to run a bluff on an Investigative Blogger before he had researched her and now she bought my dot com.

Now what do I do.. I sure Stepped in it.... Well I know.. I will Just Ignore it.. Surely in this new Modern Media Playing Field, Ignoring an Issues - or say a Non-Fact is Really the Best Way to Handle it Right?

Smart Ass Banter Brought to you by
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger...


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